The plant floor asset and work management services help our customers in establishing a culture of information-driven asset maintenance to save money, reduce downtime, and operate more efficiently. This service is designed to enable business transformation from "Run to Failure" to "Condition Based Monitoring"
With this capability, EWIE is one of the very few companies in the world that can bring the 3Ps for Single Source Asset & Work Management solution – Platform + Process + Personnel. We are able to offer solutions to our customers that integrate our traditional commodity management expertise with plant and asset management services.
The goal of this service is to Improve Return on Assets (ROA) by increasing the following KPIs
At the same time, decrease the following KPIs |
The real adoption of mobile computing at the heart of manufacturing industries has been at its infancy. We at EWIE are fortunate to be on the forefront of the mobility revolution. With a somewhat modest investment, EWIE can help our customers re-create the whole information on the go and at the point of performance scenario that was very difficult and expensive some time back due to customer manufacturing plant firewalls and networking constraints.
We have been able to reduce unnecessary data entry, travel and paperwork and improving first-time fix rates by providing technicians with key asset and work-related information and supervisors with real-time job progress and KPIs. Our plant supervisors can approve an emergency work order from their iPads while on the plant floor.
Our core solutions are based on the cloud computing. The software as a service model alleviates the need for our customers to maintain internal IT infrastructure and gives us the capability to scale as the business grows.